A portable energy logger will save you money. It will help you to optimise electrical systems, reduce energy consumption or waste and, therefore, decrease energy expenditure and carbon emissions. Power and Energy Logging will be an effective service in the effort to meet the UK's 2050 net-zero target.
Energy loggers monitor energy and power consumption. They can help identify operational issues, power supply problems (e.g. unbalanced three-phase supplies, poor power factor, and a high level of harmonics in the supply system), and sources of waste (e.g. out-of-hours equipment operation and inefficient lighting). The Carbon Trust estimates that 20% of a business’ yearly energy expenditure is squandered because of energy inefficient equipment, while a British Gas survey of 6000 SMEs found that 46% of electricity use occurs outside of normal business hours.
We estimate that significant savings can be made by implementing simple and expense-free policies, such as switching off office equipment after hours. They postulate that powering down non-essential office equipment at the end of the workday could result in energy savings of up to 12%. Moreover, switching equipment off over weekends and bank holidays could save the average SME £6000 a year! However, in order to make these savings, you first need to know where the wastage is happening and, secondly if any corrections you’ve made are having the desired effect. We provide a solution to both these requirements.
Our Power and Energy Logging instruments will measure frequency, voltage, and current, reactive power, and power factor, as well as energy usage.
Common in offices, variable speed drives, LED lighting, IT equipment, and UPSs are non-linear loads that all produce harmonics in the supply system and we pay particular attention to harmonics measurements.
We measure harmonics up to the 50th order and measure meaningful results that can be used to trace the source of the harmonics, providing the information required to make significant and effective changes.